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Genuine Customer Relationships (not the romantic kind!)

Genuine Customer Relationships (not the romantic kind!)

May 20th 2024

Today, we're venturing into the heart of what makes business thrive.

Genuine relationships.

Yesterday, we had the pleasure of spending the day with this wonderful couple, who journeyed all the way from Laguna Beach, CA to meet with us right here in Wickenburg, AZ. That's no small feat (331.7 miles)!

They didn't just come to say hello, they brought along some interesting items from their fascinating collection. While they could have easily sent us an email with photos, they instead chose to share their passion with us in person, also bringing along a photo album with numerous photos of their collection on display. Talk about old-school, they wanted to meet us in person and look us in the eye before deciding to do business.

And honestly, we're truly honored.

Stories like this are a testament why we focus so much on the human element at Western Trading Post. Each handshake, each shared experience, and every mile traveled contributes to our community.

In the past, we've spoken to a business owner who said it is time-consuming to invest time into personalizing customer relationships. It is time-consuming. THAT'S WHAT MAKES IT MEANINGFUL! Early efforts in understanding and valuing each customer's story are what build the steps to a prosperous business relationship.

At Western Trading Post, we’ve always believed in the power of human connection. It’s the foundation of everything we do. We strive to be more than just another auction house. We aim to be an auction family.

Let's not shy away from going that extra mile.

Warm Regards,

Western Trading Post team