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Double Signed L.D. Stone Spurs With Maker's Mark Also

Western Trading Post

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Available here for your consideration are a nice pair of California style spurs. They are marked by L.D. Stone (the venue in which they were sold), but are also marked by their actual maker, (believed to be the Hernandez brothers). These spurs feature silver engraved inlays on one side, while the other side showcases steel engraving. They also have original heel chains.
Next to the L.D. Stone shop mark is a punch mark, which many experts agree to be the mark of one of the Hernandez brothers (who made spurs for many shops back in the day). Their work was rarely marked as they made items under contract for the various retailers, but many agree that the, one, two, or three punch marks on an item indicates a Hernandez brother made it. 
MAKER: L.D. Stone. (shop) and Hernandez (actual maker).
APPROX AGE: Antique (meaning made prior to the 1930s).
SIZE: Spur measurement: The heel opening measures 3 5/8 inches, the band width measures 5/8 inches, and the shanks measure 2 3/8 inches long overall.
CONDITION: Good for their age, normal wear and minor imperfections expected. Please look closely at the pictures as they are an important part of our description and are hereby incorporated into the description, specifically with regards to condition.